The Wandering Ear
The Wandering Ear
A look into The Wandering Ear 2.0.

A look into The Wandering Ear 2.0.

The Wandering Ear is going through some changes. Here’s a closer look.

Above is an audio recording of the changes that The Wandering Ear is going throughas told by Daniel.

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately of where The Wandering Ear is going to go. These last few months have opened my eyes to a TWE 2.0. So, in the original version of The Wandering Ear, we were just a music blog & event series. But as time has gone I’ve found myself really looking deep and trying to see where should we go next with this project. And I think I’ve got it, I think I know where we are going to go. The Wandering Ear is going to be focusing on audio, community, storytelling, and events but under the idea that music has a way of bringing us together and it’s attached to a certain feeling/moment.

The reason why I say all of this is that I’ve realized that audio is playing a big part especially with things like podcasting, Clubhouse, and Spotify, and many more. So, I say all this to say is that we are turning The Wandering Ear into an audio first. But not only that I want to take you all on the journey of how these artists are making their music. One of my ideas is it would be cool to hear from the artist perspective of why they created this song, how they created it, and also to be able to hear a short snippet of the early stages of their song vs the completed version and then having me react to it and share my thoughts. Essentially, I want to flip the switch and have the artist share first then I share after. I don’t know if this is a good idea but who knows.

I also have been playing around with this idea of making The Wandering Ear this audio/music storytelling/music discovery platform where you can hear different people’s thoughts, and ideas, and perspectives because that’s what we are all about.

Now, all of these changes are going to be happening as soon as possible. I also want to get into throwing more events and bringing more people together. Also, with these audio articles, they will be different from the podcast as there will be 1-5 minutes long as opposed to a podcast where it’s 25-1hr plus and more in-depth.

But with all of these changes we still continue to hold onto our original mission which is that we are dedicated to the feels. And that we are 100% community-organized and we are for you.

Thanks again for the support and for always believing in The Wandering Ear.

More of this will be shared in The Wandering Ear podcast.

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